I get it, lots of people rolling their eyes, and making you feel like you have two heads when you say you are investing in life coaching, but actually life coaching is one of the greatest investments you could make in yourself. After 25 years of letting a limiting belief and trauma stop me moving forward, I came away from my NLP practitioner ignited with new self-belief and freedom to move forward, and since then I have never looked back, I can now look forward to a life as a driver, and as a person who no longer fears spiders. All talking therapies have their place, but to have this achieved in the space of several hours, you simply can not place a price on that emotional freedom. To think we spend so much of our waking moments in a state of stress, anxiety, trying to identify what we have done wrong, or questioning why people don't seem to understand us, that could simply be down to just our perception of the situation. With the right support you can reframe this, and change the way you react and feel about situations. We have to ask ourselves in society, how much money do we spend on supporting children, young people and adults with poor mental health and well-being, and look at the long term outcomes and impact of this for people when this is not addressed through early intervention. What if coaching, NLP and hypnotherapy was just a normal part of a school curriculum, how much pressure could we take off the NHS. I leave you with this thought: why do we challenge people who seek life coaching, to me we all need someone to help us to see our inner potential and worth, aid us in finding joy in our lives, and help us to live our best life, this to me is priceless!