Transformational life coaching

with Susan Robertson

Find you, find joy, live your best life

How hypnotherapy can aid in weight-loss and healthy lifestyle patterns.
Have you found that you have trouble sticking to a healthy diet, and exercise programme, do you often use negative self-talk to tell yourself you are just not able to stick to a healthy lifestyle?  Do you start on a packet of biscuits, or crisps and find yourself just finishing off the entire packet? This […]
5 things I wished I had known pre-birth and post pregnancy
1.Birth plans don't always go as planned Having a birth plan that doesn't go to plan can feel like a complete let down, particularly for your firstborn child. Please remember to be kind to yourself, child birth can be so unpredictable, and things can change in a matter of minutes. Sometimes it can feel scary, […]
Top 5 ways to avoid working mum guilt
Make it clear to your child/ren the hours you work, and write up slots on a timetable somewhere central within your home (the fridge can be a good option!) showing when you have availability. If you have more than one child, then allocate using highlighters when you have time to allocate 1-1 special time for […]
Why transformational life coaching and NLP can be so beneficial for everyone.
I get it, lots of people rolling their eyes, and making you feel like you have two heads when you say you are investing in life coaching, but actually life coaching is one of the greatest investments you could make in yourself. After 25 years of letting a limiting belief and trauma stop me moving […]